I think I may have jumped the gun last issue when I said Emperor's 'In The Nightside Eclipse' was the best black metal album ever. I still believe it's the best of the Norwegian ilk, but I do not think it rules all. It took me a while to get my hands on Cradle Of Filth's musical master piece, but it was definitely worth the wait. No band has captured my imagination musically and lyrically like Cradle of Filth have, except for the godly entity know as Metallica. And you know how fucking serious I am when I mention another band that totally rules in the same sentence as Metallica.

I don't normally do this but I'm going to go through this track by track cause its a very special album that can't be ignored, so follow me into the savage garden...

Darkness Our Bride (Jugular Wedding) - a haunting and atmospheric all keyboard intro, good but not a very good indication of the majesty that waits.

The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh - blasts its way through after the disc intro, fast and aggressive, this tune gives us a great taste of the wicked riffs, vocals, and ungodly poetic lyrics. "...I yearn to thee who art darkness in thy rising...".

The Forest Whispers My Name - starts out nice and haunty then rips into all out chaotic beauty, laden with sullen melody and background keyboard passages. "...the forest beckons with her nocturnal call, to pull me close amid the baying of wolves, where the bindings of Christ are down-trodden with scorn, in the dank, odiferous earth...".

Iscariot - an instrumental which features lots of horror filled keyboards, a beating heart, brought together in a thunder storm.

The Black Goddess Rises - keyboard intro, more bone chilling riffs. This is the point in the disc where we discover the bands passion for Eve, a topic which continues throughout. "...we could kill them all, if our desire tore free, our union as one sweet sinful Eve...".

One Final Graven Kiss - gothic keyboard instrumental with background strings (cello). It's evident this band is multi-talented!

A Crescendo Of Passion Bleeding - fast and brutal from the start, a dramatic melancholic interlude, this next line is a great example of the bands ungodly ideals. "...then and only then will the pleasures of Eden be mine, and the sinews of life itself will be tied, in the very veins of my bloodline...".

To Eve The Art Of Witchcraft - more gothic keyboards only to be destroyed by pure chaotic speed, keyboards are used throughout this song, and there's a beautiful interlude with female vocals. "...she will greet me as a serpent, in her dark secret Eden, and I will always want, for her witchcraft is desire...".

Of Mist And Midnight Skies - classic gothic intro with male dialogue lines, again this is shattered by bombastic guitars and vocals. " bound in covenant with us in our hellish league, and bring the host of the Nazarene to their knees...".

In Secret Love We Drown - a mystic keyboard piece with sounds of a babbling brook, unfortunately its too short. Band's talent shines on material like this.

A Dream Of Wolves In The Snow - a short keyboard and guitar number with melancholy vocals, this song would have been better if it was longer. " run with me, to hunt as one, to snatch the lambs of Christ, from where they fall...".

Summer Dying Fast - opens with a classic black metal riff with blood curdling vocals. More haunting keyboards used throughout. "...will they know of majesty, of beauty held in dream-dead sleep, and scarlet seas that bleed the frozen shores?".

Lastly the unnamed track, we'll call it a ungodly affirmation. It consists of a group of people chanting with a raging fire and wind in the background. "...we are here, as masters to rule, this fading humanity...".

Now, this band is the best black metal band in the world, the end. Their music, vocal style, lyrics and spirit are unparalleled in all of black metal today. The bands style is brutal yet beautiful, with various tempos, and atmospheric flurishes. They are definitely unique and they don't do the speed blur thing (though there are a number of neck-breaking fast parts!) like most black metal bands, and the production on the album is top notch. So if you don't like the constant speed \ crappy production of most black metal outfits, you must check out Cradle Of Filth.

At the present time the band are having some problems with Cacophonus records, three members from The Principle... have left, two have joined. Don't worry the original and amazing vocalist Dani, drummer Nick, and bassist rob are still in the band. The second album 'Dusk And Her Embrace' is complete, they just await the out come of their record company hassles. All I can say is that six musicians created something really special on 'The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh', and you are advised to pick it up (Relapse mail order carries it). A historic and a destined to be classic black metal release.

The blood is the life...